CPC Ministries (short for Cuerdas para Cristo) is dedicated to producing professional violinists and cellists for the music ministry in God's Kingdom. We strive for them to know God intimately through praise, worship, and prayer. We want to facilitate their participation with the rest of the band and give them a larger role in all styles of music using both acoustic and electric violins and cellos with all sorts of effects pedals and bowing techniques. We also want them to know how to minister spiritually with their instruments to believers and unbelievers alike and in this way expand God's Kingdom.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

We´ve had a great 2nd semester here in my music school. Everyone passed music theory. I currently have 7 violin students and 2 singing students. We look forward to attracting more students for next year.

Below I have links to 4 of our Christmas presentations to show. Enjoy!





Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Greetings from Buenos Aires. It´s fall here and people are getting back to school. Since the beginning of March I have several new people who have decided to participate in a new music school I´ve just started. I have my 4 violin students, 2 vocal students, and 1 bass student. We teach instrument, music theory, and the Psalms. Pray that this school grows and more people are trained in music ministry for God´s kingdom. God bless.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Greetings from South America. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, and I wish all of you a happy New Year. God has been very faithful to us this year.

Every Sunday afternoon, my violin students have been consistently playing in the park to support our evangelism there. Pray that God uses this to draw people to His Kingdom.

This year we also had a wonderful Christmas presentation.

Extreme blessings for 2018!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

I have 2 new students: Merly and Luciana. Merly is a mother of 2 from Peru who wants to teach violin to her small children later on. I´m glad about her commitment to the instrument. Luciana and her family are from the province of Salta and have been part of our church for years now.

Here´s a pic of the complete team.

From left to right: Arianna, me, Melina, Merly, Lucas, Luciana

Lucas and Melina have done a wonderful job and have progressed greatly on the violin.

Pray that each one of them will become great musicians in God´s kingdom and that God will send people with the interest and the resources to start cello.

Last August I did a Suzuki course on Book 1 to further improve my violin teaching skills. It lasted almost a week, and in it we looked at the purpose of each piece in Book 1 and the concepts taught in each piece.

On Sept. 8th, 9th, and 10th we had evangelist Jim Raddatz ministering in 4 services. They were powerful services where people were really ministered to. He spoke on the power of the Holy Spirit, and we appreciated very much the anointing on his ministry.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Hello and extreme blessings to all. Lucas and Melina have reached a point where they can play some arrangements with the band in services.

God is good, and may He richly bless you for your continued support and prayers.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Hi. I wish all of you a wonderful 2017 full of God´s blessings and surprises. The first video is Lucas and me playing for street evangelism. The second is part of our Christmas presentation.

I am so thankful for the faithfulness of God that has been a part of my life and ministry in 2016. We have seen growth in the church, and personally I have seen God working in my life.

Thanks to all of you for your continued support and prayers.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

This past July, the mother of one of our best missionary friends here, Rocco Ditrolio, became seriously ill. So Rocco needed me to translate for a week for a team from the U.S. in the small town of Las Lomitas in the northern province of Formosa, Argentina. There are a couple of other churches in the town, but they have very legalistic tendencies, not to mention there are also Jehovah's Witnesses there. The AG of Argentina had been planning a church plant there for a couple years now, and the team from the U.S. was one of three teams that went there to minister and evangelize. We evangelized with clowns, skits, and testimonies in the plaza, and we were also surprised when they let us do so in the elementary and high schools in the town. One girl on the team shared her testimony with a high school about Jesus saved her from an abusive environment as a kid. She then asked how many wanted to accept Christ into their hearts. At least like 20 teenagers raised their hands! God really did some amazing things in the first services of this new church there. Many people came to know Him in the altar calls.

In August I had a great time translating for David Wells, the superintendent of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, in Henderson and sharing our heritage with him there. My violin students and I are using our gifts for evangelism at the front door of our church. People are very responsive to it.