CPC Ministries (short for Cuerdas para Cristo) is dedicated to producing professional violinists and cellists for the music ministry in God's Kingdom. We strive for them to know God intimately through praise, worship, and prayer. We want to facilitate their participation with the rest of the band and give them a larger role in all styles of music using both acoustic and electric violins and cellos with all sorts of effects pedals and bowing techniques. We also want them to know how to minister spiritually with their instruments to believers and unbelievers alike and in this way expand God's Kingdom.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

On the first Monday of this month I was invited to give a violin workshop at a private school for the deaf. I explained how the violin works and how it's different from the guitar, and I shared with them the characteristics of my electric violin. I showed them a couple videos of some excellent performances.

This is one of my favorites:

One thing that I found fascinating is that one girl there who had no hearing at all put her hand to the speaker to be able to "feel" the music and sense the different vibrations.

Click to enlarge

At the end, I gave several of them a chance to play. They were very glad that I came, and I had a great time.


Lucas has been an excellent student and has advanced greatly in the last couple of months. In one of our prayer meetings, God gave him a vision of becoming a pastor someday. He is showing a genuine calling to work in God´s kingdom and I am glad to teach him.

Last Sunday we had the privilege of playing a couple songs in the Women in Action meeting. Lucas, Melina, and Arianna all did a wonderful job. Melina gave a sample violin class to a volunteer, then I shared my vision with them, talking about how I look to develop a unique sound in music ministry to attract people's attention to God's kingdom.

God bless you all and thank you for your continued support!