Hi everyone! Back in March, I took a 4-day course on the philosophy behind the Suzuki method of teaching music to enhance my violin teaching skills. In the Suzuki method, the student's learning of music is as similar to learning his native language as possible. The student listens a lot and imitates his instructor and learns music reading later on. I was given many different tips and exercises for improving my teaching. The course was provided by a Suzuki center here in the city, and the instructor is a member of the Suzuki Association. Here is a picture of him showing us a sample class with one of his students.
Wonderful news: María and her daughter Arianna have returned to our church, and Arianna is taking up violin again. Pray that she will grow in knowledge and love for Jesus Christ and make great progress in music for God's Kingdom!
A couple days ago, Lucas shared with me some things he's experiencing in his public school. Three people he knows there live in horrible circumstances and have talked about committing suicide. At least two of them have attempted it. Their names are Tomás, Martín, and Eduardo. Please pray that God will use Lucas in a supernatural way to share the light of the Gospel with these people who have such desperate needs and introduce them to Jesus Christ.
Stefanía's parents feel that they need to return to Paraguay this year to be with her mom's father who is having some complicated health issues. Pray that God will heal him completely and take away all pain, and that He will put a divine peace that passes understanding in the hearts and minds of every family member involved.
God bless you all very much, and thank you for your continued support. Any questions or comments, don't hesitate to let me know: jjbradbury@gmail.com
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